*Photo from sittingstill.net*
One of my favorite things about the baseball season is getting to hear Don Orsillo and Jerry Remy call the Red Sox home games. As you can tell from the picture, they obviously take themselves and their job very serious. Hands down the funniest broadcast team around today. Remy, with his New England accent, is forever putting an "er" on the end of the guys names. Loretta was Loretter, Pena is Pener, Pedroia is Pedroier, and I'm sure Lugo will be Luger. I can only pray he calls Matsuzaka Matsuzaker at some point.
At least 5 times a game I will laugh out loud at something they say or are doing, and there has been many a time Angie has asked me what I'm laughing about at a ball game. When Denis Leary and Lenny Clarke took over the booth last year and just went OFF, I thought Remy and Orsillo may not make it. Classic TV.
Since I get the MLB Xtra Innings, I get to see a lot of different announce teams because MLB uses the home teams feed, and trust me: the folks who get to hear these 2 on a regular basis are extremely lucky. Because there are some truly HORRIBLE broadcast teams in some local markets. So with Opening Day now 12 days away, here are my best and worse.
BEST1. Orsillo and Remy hands down. You can't beat the Red Sox along side hysterical giggling for minutes on end.
2. Vin Scully is still doing Dodger games. By himself with no color man. A more relaxing sound than him calling a Dodger game I have not found.
3. Jon Miller and Mike Krukow doing the SF Giants games. Strangely, Jon makes both the best and the worst on my list. See below.
4. Joe Buck and Al "The Mad Hungarian" Harbosky on the St. Louis Cardinals broadcasts. Buck, when he's not trying to be the smartest guy in the room, calls a good game and provides some good insights. An added bonus is the feeling Harbosky will suddenly go crazy and try to throw Buck out the window at any given time.
5. Dave O'Brien and Rick Sutcliffe on ESPN games. O'Brein is as smooth as silk, and Sut knows his stuff. Also, he has been known to show up in the booth after consuming some "adult beverages" so there is always the chance of a random "Non FCC approved word" appearance.
Worst1. Ken "The Hawk" Harrellson and "DJ" Darrin Jackson. 2 of the biggest hacks I have ever heard, not to mention the most blatant homers in the history of broadcast television. I know as the teams official announcers, you are supposed to be fans of the team. These 2 yahoos complain about umpire calls for petes sake. Harrellson's moronic catch phrases like "He gone!" after a strikeout by the opposing team and "You can put it on the board-YES!" after every White Sox home run is the equivalent of hearing the sound a cat makes when a kid throws it in the pool. Just for 3 SOLID HOURS. To call them broadcast journalists is an insult to broadcast journalists everywhere.
2. Jon Miller and Joe Morgan. Miller makes the best list. Wonder why he's on the worst.
3. The Tampa Bay Devil Rays Dewayne Statts and Joe Magrane. They actually aren't too bad: it's just ex wrestler "Nasty Boy" Brian Knobbs is a season ticket holder, and because the place is half empty every night, you hear every word this moron screams out during the game. Plus, he drinks steadily during the game, as the camera shows him about every 2.3 seconds and he's always pounding a beer. He's stupid when he's sober: you can imagine how he is after a 9 inning game.
4. Dave Niehaus and Dave Henderson on the Seattle Mariners. Yes, that Dave "Hendu" Henderson who hit the huge HR for the Red Sox in the '86 playoff game against the Angels. Niehaus seems like he forgets where he is half the time, and Henderson constantly trips over his words and can't seem to organize a thought to save his life. It's not a pleasant experience.
5. Tim McCarver. By himself. How this man has the premier color job in national broadcast baseball I'll never be able to figure out. Calls guys the wrong name, will argue a point even when the replay says otherwise, and will drop a line he thinks is funny and afterword you can hear crickets chirp. I'll never understand his appeal.
Well, that's my list. And if the season does not start soon, I'm gonna run out of stuff to write about. 'Cause this might be scraping the bottom of the creative well.
I can't wait.