Saturday, March 3, 2007

Rebel Yell

While I still wish he was the closer, having Pap in the starting rotation may not be so bad. Pitched 2 innings today and struck out the side in the 3rd inning. All in all, 4 K's, no hits, and the nappiest looking haircut since Billy Idol ruled the Top 100.

Wake looked, well, like Wake today: the knuckle ball was dancing and if not for an error by the Munchkin, probably woulda had 2 scoreless innings. Did anyone else catch Wakefield just slump his shoulders when Howard hit the 2 run double after the error? If Big Papi was not roaming the earth like some pre-historic dinosaur, Ryan Howard would be the scariest man alive. He is about to enter Bond's territory: DO NOT pitch to him. Ever.

Mikey went yard today, which was good to see. It bothered me when his name came up in the Helton trade rumors this off season. Every team needs a Mike Lowell: a guy who brings his lunch pail to work every day, who runs out grounders, and who will run through a wall for his team. With Trot leaving, Lowell, in my opinion, becomes that much more valuable.

All in all, it was a good day. Even though the Sox lost, the regulars looked good, Pap impressed, and for the second weekend in a row, I got to get outside with my young uns and have a catch. Ciera, in particular, was Papiesque in her hitting today. Even Baby Trot is feeling better and raising havoc.

Tex, if you read this while at ST, drop a line and let us know how Pap looked in person today. Hopefully you ain't in jail or something, and can give us a live update!


Tex said... are giving all these people here a wrong impression of me.... :)

Paps looked absolutely stupendous!! and Mikey's dinger was awesome!!! The game tomorrow should be perfect as Schilling and Santana will be that means I get to see Tek's ass.

KAYLEE said...

Paps impressed me.....Wake and the pen well they were a different story Okajima and donnelly arent bad though.MIkeys homerun was awesome to see though!:-)

Ted D said...


I was scanning the crowd during the game yesterday, and did'nt see any signs of a deranged woman waving a Texas state flag and screaming "NAILS" at the top of her lungs, so I was'nt to sure if you were even there!

kaylee, I thought Wake looked pretty good: if Pedroia had made that play, Howard never hits with 2 on. Besides his almost bomb, Wake was his usual. If the knuckle ball is working, he's almost unhittable at times. If it's not, forget it.

KAYLEE said...

True forgot about that error that setup the whole thing.Pedroia is my man(okay everyone is:D) so I kinda OVERLOOKED THAT ERROR BY HIM:-)

Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

Well , well. I leave for a few days and this turns into a sewing circle! Teddy boy after a hard day on the slopes I turn on the tv to catch a little ball and I am subjected to sox playing BC? Must have been the altitude, just couldn't roll wit it. Sorry little man has been sick. Wish you guys could have gone with us. Brought back old memories. Mattie you are just going to have to let go of Shawshank one liners. Reach into the box and pull out another nugget! peace out

Ted D said...

Bub, so I guess you came back without any broken bones? Man of your age, that's an accomplishment. I'd love to get out to CO to ski again. Yeah, you gone and Matt MIA with this house, I was the only man around here for a few days!

Glad you're back, and you got the Sox-BC game in Colorado? Musta had NESN there I guess.

KAYLEE said...

I loved the way CURT pitched today that is the CURT SCHILLING I want to see come APRIL:-)