Saturday, March 12, 2011

An Ordinary Day to Remember.

You know the opening scene from "The Andy Griffith Show" where Andy and Opie are strolling down to the old fishing hole to enjoy a relaxing afternoon of fishing and rest?

It's a lie. A total, 100% lie; if fact, due to the smile on Andy's face I'm now convinced that either he or Opie, in fact maybe both, were loaded to the gills with Zanax, Prozac, or Oxycontin.

Took the hellions fishing today and we experienced, among other things I'm blocking from my memory, the following.

At least 13 instances of lines getting crossed, 579 casts and reels by Rakes, 6 consumed Sprites, 2 fist fights between Rakes and Ciera, 1 HUGE horse flop picked up by Trot, and approximately 4 actually fish being caught.

Not to mention the 5 minute conversation where we all discussed whether the fence surrounding one of the ponds we were fishing was electrified only to have Trot saunter up to the fence, grab hold, and declare "It's not", followed closely by him running over my fishing pole and dragging it behind him around half the pond, looking like Paul Newman in "Cool Hand Luke" as he tries to escape for the 14th time.

By the time the day ended my face was burned, my head was pounding, we all smelled like worms and fish, and Trot and Rakes engaged in an entertaining yet insanity defense inducing modified rap off on the way home.

And I wish I could do it all again tomorrow. 'Cause one day they'll be too big and too busy to spend an entire day with their Dad and I'll be left with memories of days like today.


Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

What a wonderful day!

Stacy said...

Glad you all had a memorable day :)

I'm a little concerned that Trot has no fear of a potential electric fence. Or of picking up horse poop. Yuck.

Ted D said...

I need a nap.

Rebecca said...

It's funny how sometimes the ideas we have of the days we plan with the kids end up being so very different from the reality of it all. But you're right - they're still great because kids, well - they're only small for such a short time in life, it's good to capture as many of those memories as you can. :)

Tex said...

I'm telling you. Write a screenplay of a few of these stories and send it to George Lopez and you'll have your own sitcom.
Now just who would play who?

Ted D said...

Exactly, Becky. And they'd have to play themselves, Tex. It wouldn't work any other way.

Solomon Alexander said...

Ted, you've been named a Stylish Blogger by Solomon Alexander at Keep the baseball coming.

Ted D said...

Thanks, Solomon. I appreciate the nice words.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff....made me smile on an otherwise slow Monday morning.

Ted D said...

Thanks, Steve!