Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tell 'Em Hells Coming. And Trot's Coming With It.

Tomorrow afternoon Ang and I are going to the school to meet the poor soul who drew Trot in the lottery to be his Kindergarten teacher.

These are supposed to be the sort of meetings where you introduce yourself, see his room, where his desk will be, etc.. and all the while I'm gonna be looking around for what that little maniac is going decide to jump off of, throw at, pee on, and potentially destroy.

I'm also gonna be debating internally whether to warn this poor woman of the havoc that is coming or just let her find out all on her own. The Assistant Principal goes to church with us, and seeing Trot grow up the last 5 years I'm pretty sure he either picked the teacher with the most patience or the one who's on his hit list; it could go either way.

Meanwhile, Rakes hits second grade and Ciera, God help me, is an 8th grader. 2nd grade is about as far back as I can remember, so hopefully the Mel Tillis impression he did the past two years is behind him. Both claim they want me to still come eat lunch with them on my day off, but so far only Rakes has sounded convincing. We'll see come next week.

Hard to believe that all 3 are gonna be in school and are considered "big kids" now.

Sorta makes me a little sad.

On the other hand, that 7 hour day by myself on Mondays isn't exactly gonna suck.


Tree Newt said...

I can't believe that Trot and Caroline are starting Kindergarten! Time has certainly flown! Hey, maybe we'll finally get that golf game in on a Monday now!

Ted D said...

That'd be nice, Mattie.