Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Think I've Found My Cross To Bear.

Contrary to popular opinion, if one day I leave this earth due to a bleeding ulcer it won't be because of Rakes and Trot.

Although they may well be a contributing factor.

It'll be on the shoulders of Daisuke.

3 runs in the first inning and then he turns into Walter Johnson and shuts the A's down the rest of the game with the Sox winning 6-4.

Near no-hitter one game, batting practice the next. Tonight, he looks like some dude from the local beer league for the first inning and for the rest of the game he's in the running for AL Cy Young.

10 years ago I could handle it; I'm 40 now.

I may have to go on a Dice-K diet every 5 days so my insurance won't classify him as a pre-existing condition.

Bottom line? A win is a win is a win.

So I'll take it.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

More stressful than the boys? You're right; you're too old for Dice K.:)