You ever have one of those days, or week, or month, where it seems like NOTHING can go right? When you are wanting to go right, but the rest of the world is pretending they are NASCAR drivers and making one long, endless left hand turn? My last week, week and a half has been like that. From work being a pain in the neck, to coming home to "Kid's Gone Wild, Volume 12", it has just been that kind of a week.
So, I needed a laugh. Which is why I posted that picture of Manny coming out of the Monster. If anyone doesn't know, Manny caught a little flak in 2005 for disappearing into the Green Monster one night, presumably to relieve himself. This being Manny, he could have gone in to ask the guy operating the scoreboard what his recipe for Baked Alaska was, so who knows. Soon after that, he started the annual "I'd like to be traded" request a week before the trade deadline. You can imagine the hubbub this started, culminating with Manny not playing the night before the deadline, or starting the next game. Late in the game that day, after the trading deadline had passed, Manny emerges from the dugout to pinch hit, and promptly drives in the winning run. Trust me: his interview right after the game was high comedy. The next night, he comes out of the Monster at the start of the first, holding that sign. Classic Manny, and it still makes me laugh.
While I watched my 2 boys roll around on the floor like Bo and Luke Duke tonight, wrasslin' and laughing their little heads off, it reminded me of me and my brother and sisters growing up together. And while it doesn't take away the crappy week I've had, thinking back has definitely took the edge off.
We had a lot of fun growing up in Oklahoma. We had a pool, and that thing was always full of kids: us, the neighbors, people from church. I had one buddy who jumped off the roof, over roughly 7 feet of concrete, into the deep end. One year while all of us still living at home were back east on vacation, my brother in law Scott rode a bicycle off the deep end, all the way across the pool. We get home, and my Pop, who was with ME the whole time back east, wants to know when I did that! Then there was the time that Mom and Dad were gone all day, and left my sister Sheri in charge. For the whole day. Sheri, being a teenager with all the wisdom of a bag of peat moss, leaves me and my brother Matt outside for 10 HOURS. You ever been to Oklahoma in the dead of summer? It's like being 2 ft away from the center of the sun. Let's just say Mom was not happy Matt and I looked like Mr. Crabs from Spongebob for the next 3 days.
The pool fun basically ended after Matt and I discovered it was great fun to jump in the pool from the top of the slide. At least it was fun until Matt slipped, fell straight down to the concrete, then proceeded to BOUNCE into the pool. I never would have guessed you could bounce on concrete, but Matt made a believer out of me. Actually his 2 broken wrists were what made me a believer.
I thought about all kind of stuff tonight: Matt pouring a whole bottle of baby oil into his bath one night and coming into the living room, and the rest of us needing sunglasses to look at him. I swear the light from the lamp bounced off him like sunlight off a tin can. Or the time my sister Sonya was riding our neighbors horse, comes inside while we are eating, and offers up the most understated line of the century: Seems Sonj had gotten just a tad close to the barb wire, and with her shoe filled with blood, she utters this: "I think I need a band aid". Uh, no Sonya, you need some stitches. A LOT of stitches. Speaking of horses, one night, again at dinner, all of us were amazed when my sister Stacy went flying by the kitchen window, galloping for all she was worth on our horse, Misty. Little did any of us realize, Misty had gone bonkers and that look on Stacy's face, which we thought to be sheer joy, was in fact, utter panic.
So thanks, Sonj, Stacy, Sheri, and Matt. You helped your brother come out of the mullygrubs a little bit tonight.
And you didn't even know it.
I love you guys.
So I was 4 yrs old when my lil sis was born. I had been the baby till then....THEN The Blondie was born and took over. I had been the center of attention for all of my long 4 years because my older brother was 7 yrs older than me so I WAS the baby.
Until Darla was born.
Here I was with short dark brown hair cut like a bob...then there was "the baby" with blonde ringlets and all cutesy. We lived downtown and had this detached garage that had this old wringer washer in it...my mom had gotten a new one so it was stored out back.
Well I "convinced" my lil sister that she needed a haircut (if I had an evil emoticon smile, this would be the place)
I remember getting one heck of a spanking. My mom kept those "golden locks" in a plastic bag for years. I remember when she got me back. My son was 2 yrs old and his hair was all curly and pretty...I got home from work to find my mom had taken him for his 1st haircut. My mom still denies it had anything to do with my haircutting incident...I don't believe her :)
Hey Tex. You sound like my 3 older sisters! And a tip of my hat to your mom for getting you back!
This post was basically a wake up post to Matt: I was nice, but for "outing" me about my blog to the rest of the crew, it could get A LOT worse!
Thanks for coming by Tex. If you didn't, I don't know who would!
oh Ted you get more visitors than I do!!! I call my lil sis and I a 2nd family. The 3 older siblings are much older. There are 16 yrs difference between the oldest and youngest...exactly 16 yrs. The oldest and youngest have the same birthday.
Hey Ted. I keep a good set of headphones for "One of those days". Of course now that I work 5 months out of the year I don't have one of those days, HA. Ok. about the bike, in all your complaining the beauty of holding your breathe and riding a bike the length of the pool has been lost. Not to mention watching you and Matt take all the heat! I'm working on the RedSox's thing. It takes a guy from OK. a while to embrace BeanTown but Im trying.
Hey Scotty. The fact you have never owned up to that has scarred me for life!
Embrace RSN bubba: you'll be a whole lot better off!
Trust me.
so the guilty party admits ON PAPER!!! Boston is a GREAT City! The atmosphere around the Park before and during games is something to behold...even if you dont go to the game! A tour of Fenway is a MUST for anyone.
Boston Bound!!!
Jr., in the words of Happy Gilmore: "The way I see it, we've only just begun." I say bring it! Oh, the stories that could be divulged on this blog! Such as, how was that BBQ sandwich, my brotha?
Yet, I tread lightly, for I know there are a lot more of Mattie's follies in the attic...
Dude, this one brought back some memories for me, too. You made me laugh on this cold winter morn...altough your remembrance and mine differ on some of the finer points (such as the barbed wire fence. No barbed wire...chain link gate...but hey, who cares right?), it's good to remember those things.
Like the time you threw the can of grease in the front yard so that my buddies and I could catch a tarantula with the can. I'll never forget dad having you scrubbing the grass with a toothbrush by flashlight! High comedy!
Bro, I love you too.
I think Sonya did cut her leg on barbed wire, just for the record. The horse came through the gate on the chain link fence.
Ted, don't tell everything on Matt all at once; you need to save up some really good stuff for later.
Since he claims to be "Mom's Favorite", we have to pick on him a little! :)
Glad you're feeling better. If it takes a little humor at the family's expense, so be it.
Im with Stacy....save some stories Ted....I think my friend Deb who I wrote about on my blog is going to start posting IF she can figure out how to get a blog address LOL!! I should tell her to call YOU!! I told her if YOu can do this...she can do this!
Great story:)
Tex, believe me I have alot more stories about Matt and everyone else. These are just the tip of the iceberg.
//I should tell her to call YOU!! I told her if YOu can do this...she can do this!//
LOL Tex! You are right: if I can do it, anyone can!
Truly, if Ted can do this, ANYONE can. I don't know if I'd have the blind leading the blind, however. Ted is not very hi-tech. The man only recently began paying at the pump for gas, and that's still a rairity. He pays his water bill in person. Doesn't use speed dial on his cell phone. Calls me frequently for help fixing whatever his kids did to Internet Explorer. It's really quite sad.
I may not be tech savvy like you, but I am a good looking man, so it all balances out!
You forgot to mention I just got a debit card 6 months ago for the first time!
Ted can be as computer illiterate as he wants. I need someone to pick on...since the SGers like picking on me being from Texas and all.
I'm impressed to know that Ted even HAS a cellphone and uses it...are you sure it isn't one of those toy ones?
Tex, if it wasn't for work, I probably would throw the thing away!
Keep pickin' Tex: I can take it! You see how Matt talks about me, and he is BLOOD!
I forgot about the debit card! Welcome to the 90's bro! Er...I mean...well, you know.
Hello, Do any of you have a job! Its 3:00 and you are Blogging! I have stuff to do I will put my two cents in later!!!!! PS Ted it doesn't count as a debt card if your wife's name is on it!
Scotty, It snowed and iced here today, so Matty and I took a holiday. In my case, if you call taking care of Rakes and Ciera all day is a Holiday!
Tex has a job, but it's with the government, so that's why she can post during the day!
Picking Texas, picking!
This is high comedy. I come back to Matt and Scotty picking on Ted.
I can vouch for Ted; he WOULD NOT have a cell phone if it wasn't for work. He and I are in a competition for who is the least tech savvy (we're tied). :)
Lookie HERE Scotty! (and Ted I can take up for myself...Im TEX)
I have a job....but like every good govt employee....we take breaks, looooooooooonnnnnng BREAKS! :)
besides its all at the expense of Ted
Ok, we're getting dogged about blogging in the middle of the day by a guy who only works FIVE MONTHS out of TWELVE!!! Does anyone know where kettle is, because I hear pot calling.
wait Scotty boy only works 5 months??? What does he do for those 5 months that he doesnt have to work the other 7? I WANT HIS JOB!!
ok I just thought of this Ted. I think you should rename your blog to
The Dalton Family Rides Again
ok I meant
The Dalton Gang Rides Again
we need an edit button
Tex, Scott owns a plant business. They set up in the Spring and Fall and sell plants, trees, bushes, etc.. to rich women who will pay $50 bucks for a plant.
He can't see clocks though for some reason!
OK, The children have been put to bed, bought textbooks online for the college kids.practiced guitar.Lets blog.Ice in NC shuts the whole state down.Forget baseball lets talk HOCKEY!Tex you are close enough I can bring you pic's of this crazy gang.I have to go now Sonya tivo'd Oprah!!Oh Stacy I guess you are next for true confessions!
oh Wait This is the one who is in Oklahoma??? an OKIE!!! Im going to be in Wichita in June and Grayson county in July working....send the pics!
Scotty, if that was not the biggest random stream of conciousness, I don't know what was! Relax bro, middle age ain't that bad!
Tex, DO NOT encourage him. He needs no help!
Im telling ya...Ted if you ever make money off this blog....you owe me a percentage!!!
ya are too too much!!!
Everyone, welcome to the Scotty Stream-of-Consciousness-I-don't-use-punctuation-properly-random-run-on-sentence-world-o-fun!!!
It's like deciphering heiroglyphics(?) reading his posts.
Tex, I will second Ted here: DO NOT ENCOURAGE SCOTTY!!
All right everybody. There is now a new post where you can all make fun of me in a different setting!
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