Now that the season is officially over and I've ran through all stages of grief in about 48 hours, I thought I'd post some of the images that I'll remember about the 2009 Red
Sox season.

Almost nothing beats Spring Training. Brand new start, hope is in the air, and millions of us live and die by what the Class A squad does against the Yankees on March 7
th. Yes, I need help.

Opening Day. NOTHING beats Opening Day in baseball except for winning the World Series. Factor in
Papi giving
Pedie crap about something and everyone else cracking up?

Josh Beckett meeting the leader of the Free World. The look on
Youk's face combined with Beckett's liberal use of the F Bomb makes me wonder if we narrowly avoided an international incident.

Rakes doing his best Babe Ruth and calling his shot in a
whiffle ball game at my Mom's around the 4
th of July. Good Lord; he's the spitting image of me at that age. I hope he inherits my love of the Red
Sox and somehow manages to avoid reform school. And I'll take one out of two.

In May I got to make my 3rd
pilgrimage to New England with a stop in Vermont to stay with Rob and Jane. I couldn't have drawn up two better people or two better friends if I'd tried.

Once I arrived in Boston the
SG crew hooked up where I was reunited with my long lost brother Josh and finally met Jr. Let's just say he lived up to the hype and leave it at that. Plus, he's shorter than me so I naturally want him around for my ego. The Three Amigos, only the slightly demented version.

Finally, what would a baseball season be without a
Palooza? About 40 of us converged on Au
Tua Nua and
Paloozed a Saturday away. To each and every one of you that were there, I love
'Course you already knew that.
Here's to 2010, another great year for the Red
Sox, and another epic
Roadhouse, you are truly a one of a kind.
We didnt make it to the world series, but next year will be better. now, next year may not be better, but we must believe it will be. We may not win the AL East, but we must continue to strive to do so. We may not get a ring, but we must believe that with a high enough team OPS, we can bring it home. We may not exterminate the yankees, but we must never cease to try.
/apologies to benjamin mays
cant wait to see you ted. and warning: i aint gonna wait until the next palooza
My brother! Can't wait to see you either, Amigo. Anytime you want to visit, we've left the lamp on for you.
Great summation of the season,Ted! Meeting you and the rest of the crew and making my first pilgrimage to Fenway was the highlight of my year. BTW,the pic of Rakes is all kinds of awesome!
Becky, I tried to find the picture of all of us on the tour but it's somehow lost! It was great to meet you, Scott, and the boy and I'm looking forward to all of us getting together again next year.
Rakes is my little man. Humility is his greatest asset. ;)
The Sox make everything better (except for Julio Lugo--heh!). Here's to 2010! And counting down every day until pitchers & catchers report.
Amen, Dawn. Here's to 2010.
Until today, I didn't realize you weren't in New England. I thought all Red Sox fans - except me, of course - were in New England! :p
I'm a southern boy, Chrissy. ;)
Nice post, little brother. Glad to see you coping with apparent ease.
Only 5 months until spring training, and Rakes and Trot can easily supply you with more than enough material to blog about in that time. :)
Not ease, Sis. I'm like a duck; calm on the surface and kicking like mad underneath.
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