In the first of what I figure to be many visits, the police showed up on our front porch today.
Seems that sometime while I was at work and Ang was trying to get all the Christmas decorations hung, Rakes decided he'd call 911; Why? You got me.
Apparently once the phone actually rang he decided to hang up and when they called right back, didn't let anyone know the phone was, you know, ringing or anything.
Before you knew it, one of our finest local constables was standing on the front porch while Ang profusely apologized, Rakes cried his head off while screaming "Don't take me to jail!" and Trot kept asking this poor civil servant who I'm sure by this point was wondering why HE was the unit to answer this particular call, in the most excited voice possible "Are you donna take ME to jail?!"
It's days like this I'm glad I have to work on Saturday.
To top it all off? I just found out it's the 20th anniversary of "Christmas Vacation".
Great. Like I need ANOTHER reminder that I'm flipping old.
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1 year ago