Ang is a week and a half into her 26 month Master's Education and I've seen her for approximately 3 minutes and 37 seconds over that time.
Trot honked off my saint of a Mother with the patience of Job so much today that she felt the need for all of us to have a "talk" when I picked the boys up after work tonight.
Ciera wore a bikini down to the pool the other day that momentarily had me contemplating sending her off to be a Nun and I'm not even Catholic.
Rakes has taken to quoting "The Sandlot" at all hours of the day, with his favorite line being "Is that your sister naked in the outfield? Wonder if she'd go out with me?"
And the Sox just dropped 2 out of 3 to the powerhouse known as the San Diego Padres.
Things can only go up from here.
Plow the D’Oh
1 week ago
Heeeheeehee. One word for you. Burka.
You're killing me smalls.
How can I have smore if I haven't eaten anything yet?
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