Beckett, you're my BOY! (Saying it just the way Will Farrell did in Old School to the old guy). Baseball is finally back, as Beckett, along with Jonathan Papelbon, and if you look real close, at the far right of the picture, Jon Lester all are in Florida for Spring Training. It's great to see these young guys showing up 4 days before they have to, showing how much they are ready to strap it on and get after it. Lester, in particular: if you don't know, he was diagnosed with Lymphoma during the season last year, and had to stop playing to get treatment. From all accounts, he is in good health and ready to go. Whether he makes the team out of camp is irrelevant: the fact he is THERE is the story. Even Matsuzaka showed up today around noon, playing a little long toss in the outfield.
It seems like it's been forever since the Sox played: the end of the season was bizarre, to say the least. After a 3 1/2 hour rain delay, Devern Hansack, a Double A call up throws a no hitter through 5 innings, then with the rain coming down again, they call the game. Talk about going out with a whimper, not a bang. Weird ending to a weird year: First place until the 5 game series known forever to me as "The Yankee Massacre". It was right at this point the boys resembled more of a M.A.S.H. unit than a ball club, with a rash of injuries so big and so bizarre, you could almost image Big Stein holding a Red Sox doll in his lap and driving pins into it.
Now, I feel like my kids do on Christmas morning, or the way Ciera feels on the first day of school. I feel like Red on his way to finally meet up with Andy in Mexico in Shawshank: I almost cannot contain my sheer giddiness that the season is right around the corner. I've got a lot I want to do this season: I'm gonna try to score at least 3 games a week, teach Rakes how to throw a knuckle ball, and keep working with Ciera on her catching. I have to get my chair ready for the last 4 innings of each game for when I sit on the edge, rocking back and forth like Dustin Hoffman in "Rain man", muttering to myself. Gonna take the kids, wife, brother-in-law Scott, and whoever else wants to come down to Greenville, S.C. to see Gabe and the Greenville Drive this summer. And of course, Mattie and I take our annual trip to Camden Yards to catch a few games in September.
My buddy Shawn is a Yankee fan, who even though he would never admit it, KNOWS Papi deserved the MVP instead of Slappy McBluelips. He's a good guy, even though his baseball team is a legion of Satan, and he and I can actually talk about the game and our teams without arguing. (Although after the GREATEST CHOKE IN SPORTS HISTORY in 2004, he would not answer his phone for 5 days. Hard to argue with yourself.). He told me the other day that the Red Sox actually had him worried about this year. To get a Yankee fan to even half way admit the Sox are on his radar is a major accomplishment, so I feel good! I have a good feeling about this year.
Sunday, February 18th is the day. The day everyone is expected in camp. I, for one, can't wait. My wife, however, is not so excited. She realizes that in about 45 days, she loses the main tv for roughly 6 months. I told her it was all right, she was married to me, and that should be reward enough on it's own! Her response? The universal symbol for "We're number 1!" Although it's normally done with the index finger, not the middle one.
Play Ball!
I am SO ready for Baseball Season i can taste it in my mouth! Getting all excited just planning all the trips. And now tonight my man in Boston who is trying to plan a trip to see me...may fly to Dallas when I am going to see the Sox play the Rangers...getting to see my boys and MY BOY all in one weekend...well that's just about ALL this girl needs to put a smile on her face!!!
Great Post Ted!
I am so ready for baseball too!
//Whether he makes the team out of camp is irrelevant: the fact he is THERE is the story//
That is so True it is just great to see Jon Lester Pitching again!I am sure he will back with the sox in the future!I am keeping my mouth shut on Beckett because what I expect out of him this year is well.......not much!
Thank you Texas! I meant to do it last night, but Jack Bauer saving the world took first priority!
Kaylee, Beckett will win 18-20 games, and the Cy Yong in the next 3 years. He is too good not to. He just has to learn to throw something offspeed every now and again is all.
And by Yong, I mean YOUNG!
I hope He does But I am not expecting it:)
Ted I thought you were crossing Beckett with DiceK already :)
Tex, I probably was in my feeble little mind! I gotta call John Mayer: I saw where he knew Japanese!
I might believe those numbers for DiceK but,not beckett!
I can't believe I'm saying this, with the NHL nearing the playoffs, but I'm really ready for MLB to get going. I find myself scanning the paper each day at lunch, hoping for a Sox tidbit, or, just as good, a note on how the Stankees are falling apart. Even though our trip to Camden is 8 months away, I'm already getting psyched for it.
So good to see Lester out there with the boys. Our rotation should be insane, no matter who winds up in it. The bonus to that is, whoever doesn't is going to make the bullpen that much stronger. Sniff..sniff...what's that smell? I think it's a division title.
Jr., only two things have I against you this day:
One, I get a generic "whoever wants to go is welcome" invite to go to G'ville to see Gabe? GABE?!!! Who you talking to? You better recognize!
Second, you've used up all your free passes for the Red going to meet Andy quote from Shawshank. You must retire it and find a new cliche. I have spoken.
Matt, the Shawshank quotes have to stay in the rotation: they are too good not to! Dude, you going with me to see Gabe was a given: that's why I didn't mention you. C'mon now. Just read the A's picked up Lenny DiNardo off waivers: he was hurt last year, but was a ground ball machine, so I hate to see him go.
Hey Matt, until you get a blog, you can't tell Ted how to write one.
Hey Ted...yes Im working out of town and trying to finish a powerpoint presentation for the training im doing on friday. you DO know what a powerpoint is right? :)
In PowerPoint, as in most other presentation software, text, graphics, movies, and other objects are positioned on individual pages or "slides". The "slide" analogy is a reference to the slide projector, a device which has become somewhat obsolete due to the use of PowerPoint and other presentation software. Slides can be printed, or (more often) displayed on-screen and navigated through at the command of the presenter. Slides can also form the basis of webcasts.
::sticks fingers in ears, waggles them, and sticks tongue out in general direction of Austin::
Dude, I have held my tongue all morning, and even though it is your blog. I have checked the rules of commenting and feel I am within the rules. Plus you opened Pandoras box! I love sports, played them all. I like baseball watch it when I can.But you got to get a LIFE! Knowing Manny's grooming skills or lack their of is way over the EDge. " Life is a highway I wont to ride it all night long!" Doesn't mean stay up till 3:00 am watching replays! Now, have you checked the July games yet?
Listen, Grandpa, I have a life: it is three kids and a wife! The Red Sox are the RELEASE part: some of us don't get months off at a time to relax: we have to take it anyway we can!
Yes, the Drive will be in town for several games while you all are here. Haven't checked the Braves, but I will and I'll email you.
Ted, where did you cut and paste that info from?
::holds up right hand, folds down all fingers except middle one::
Tex, I have no idea what you mean: what is this copy and paste you speak of? :)
Tex ease up now. Cut and paste was a senior level class for Ted in college!
Scott do you realize this blog would not exist if it wasnt for me? With that said...I love Ted's blog...I knew he had it in him to do it...i just had to guide him to get it started!
From a girl south of the border, your all that and a bag of chips!
is that corn chips or potato chips or chips and salsa?
Scotts right: it's a minor miracle I can turn the thing on, much less have a blog. And Scotty, gotta give Tex credit: she did kind of push me along on this thing. Thanks for the compliment Tex. Angie said the other night that between the season coming up and the blog, she'll never see me. Better get myself ready to stay up until 1 instead of midnight now!
Knowing bub Tex, it's chips and salsa.
Bingo Ted wins! cos they're so SPICY and FEISTY!
That's Scotty: fiesty!
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