Which apparently didn't please him all that much, since he responded with turning a deep shade of Redskin maroon and spent the next 10 minutes yelling his fool head off.
When the nurse came back in with his Tylenol for the pain I guess he was still a tad bit bent since he informed her in a loud and not exactly happy voice that "This tastes like chili. And watermelon".
Sox/Rangers, Fenway Park, 7 p.m. tomorrow night.
It can't get here soon enough.
Angie deserves a medal for surviving that doctor visit. How on earth can he have that much energy every day? :)
It boggles the mind, Stacy.
Poor fella. :(
He's still a little sore tonight, Becky. But I think he's on the road to recovery.
He was jumping off our window sill onto the bed doing wrestling moves not 2 hours ago.
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