Monday, May 21, 2007

I AM Lincoln Burrows

I'm not upset that as I type this the Red Sox are losing 6-1 to the Yankees. We have an 11 game lead and a deficit that large is not made up over 1 night. I am calm, cool, and collected.

I am also full of crap: I HATE losing to the Yankees no matter what the standings are. I want maiming, destruction, carnage, and bloodshed whenever they play. That said, I realize that the odds of the Sox going 17-1 to the Yankees over the course of the season were a tad long. Wake not having any feel for the knuckleball did not help. I've said it before, I love Wake: he just gives me ulcers when he pitches, because he can look lights out one minute and like a single A pitcher the next. Such is the life of a knuckleball pitcher: I have full confidence he will bounce back strong this weekend vs. Texas.

Tonight, I feel like a prisoner about to bust out: I turn 37 this week, and as a combination birthday/Mothers Day present, my saint of a Mother is keeping the 3 apples of my eye, light of my life, and reasons for my pre-senior citizen high blood pressure for the night. The whole, entire, blessed night: meaning not to return until Saturday afternoon. Don't get me wrong: I absolutely ADORE my children: Dad just needs some "serenity now" is all.

So I look forward to a night of adult conversation, quietness, and romance with my beautiful wife.

I wonder if Angie considers Red Sox vs. Rangers as romantic?


Tex said...

TED...if you so MUCH as watch or listen to ONE pitch of baseball that HELP ME...I will personally take ALL of your computer skills away from use your fingers right??

ya go have fun..and early happy birthday!!!

KAYLEE said...


Tree Newt said...

Get him girls! Talk sense into that boy!

Ted D said...

Give up baseball? Huh? I don't understand such talk.

What: YOU would not consider Sox vs. Rangers romantic Tex?

I can't say it won't just "accidentally" turn to that channel. I can promise it will be quick!

Man, talk about a bunch of buzz killer's. :)

Tex said...

it doesnt matter what I THINK....its what ANGIE thinks doofus

Ted D said...

She is all for a night of baseball Tex:

When she goes to the beach with her parents.

What the heck am I gonna do Friday?

You have to PROMISE me multiple doses of PV's and Rally Hoots. Otherwise, I might slip.

C'mon now: help a family member out.

Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

Train wreck! Oh well. Jr since the rest of the gang jumped on you about the game watching I will tag you on. Please tell me you are not going to drive thru Cracker Barrel.

Yes we survived today .

Tex said...

i'll supply all the pvs and rally plan a evening picnic...and hmmm let me think...

Ted D said...

Bub, glad to hear you made it. And I'm taking my lovely bride to the new local Italy inspired diner.

However, the Cracker Barrell sounds really appealing right now.


Stacy said...

Scott, you are dead on about Cracker Barrell; I do not see how he eats take out breakfast. :(

Ted, you must go to an actual, sit down restaurant and eat IN said establishment. AND you must TALK to your wife, not read a sports magazine. :)

I think you're ok to watch baseball after she goes to bed, so just record the game. I bet Angie would be ok with that. Unless of course she wants to watch lots of "chick flicks", then you'll have to forget the baseball.

Christine E. said...

I for one think a baseball game is romantic--my fiance'? Not so much..LOL

2 on base with Damon at the plate---I think I am breaking out in hives...

I'm with you Ted, I go in abject despair when they lose to the Skankees--nothing less than a complete massacre makes me happy...

Hope everyone is well...

Go Sox!

Tex said...

OK we've got to get out of this one...someone go to the dugout and get the runs NOW

Christine E. said...

Hi Tex:

Managed to get out of THAT one..(sigh)

CRAP--I HATE the Yankees....

Hope you are well

Go Sox!

Ted D said...

Hi Christine: yeah, I don't think the baseball game is gonna work Friday night: maybe if I buy her jewelry?

Tex, this is making me nervous, a 4-2 lead. I'm with you: lets score about more.

Ted D said...

Stacy asked me this morning who Lincoln Burrows is, so for anybody else in the dark, he's the character on "Prison Break" who was set up for murder and was broken out of prison by his brother.

Tex said...

Ted...i wasnt gonna ask..I figured it had to do with some show you liked :)

RUNS I say RUNS!!!

Ted D said...

I'll join you:


Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...


I say try eating banannas!

Ted D said...

Where have you been Grandpa? It's now 7-2 so Tex and my chant is working just fine!

Sonya divorced you yet?

Tex said...

Ted i cant believe he put my pic up on his blog!! too funny!!! and how'd you like my new digs?

Christine E. said... mean to tell me you yelling "runs runs" is all it takes??


Ted D said...

Very nice Tex: I figured you'd get a kick out of that! I wish I could be in San Diego with all of you at the games this summer: make sure you take a ton of pictures.

I'm guessing John is a riot in person!

Ted D said...

Try it Christine:


They scored 3 last inning, so I'm not knocking it. ;)

Tex said...

oh and with the encouragment of some of you i contacted a poetry publishing company...they're sending me info and called me today. I will have a agency rep walk me through it all..i got info from Nancy on Sg

Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

Yo. No , infact she is excited about trying to win employee of the month award!
Your neices are a different story.Kaleigh comes in wearing daisy dukes and paris h sunglasses. Courtney gave me a couple of hours today.

KAYLEE said...

//Give up baseball? Huh? I don't understand such talk.//

I cant do that either but,I said for one night not forever:)

Ted D said...

Bub, you need to exercise some parental control!

Tex, good for you: Just promise me I get the FIRST autographed copy of the book.

I'm not kidding: I want the first one OK?

Good Luck!

Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

Ed ,what do you think you are going to do with a poetry book in the throne room! hEE HEE MARbles.