Thursday, December 6, 2007

My Choice For President in 2008

As we near the end of 2007, we're less than one year away from voting for our next President.

I've studied the candidates closely, listened to their positions on the important issues, and tried to discern what is the truth and what is b.s.

I want a President who is intense, focused, and ready to do whatever it takes to right the ship. I want a person who will put the best interests of this country first and his/her own interests second. Someone who will have a platform of solving the war in Iraq, fixing the economy, and getting us back to being the beacon of light for the rest of the civilized world.

Brutal honesty, loyalty, and a definite plan in mind for leading this nation for at least the next 4 years: After much deliberation, I think I've found my man.

Seriously, he CAN'T be worse than any of the rest of them, right?

*Thanks to Kelly for the use of the picture*


Tex said...

I like the way he "packages" it :)

sorry ted. i cant help myself sometimes

Ted D said...

It's OK, Tex.

I realize you're a tad depraved: it's actually part of your charm. ;)

Tex said...

depraved?? i was talking about the Budlite package... ;)

Ted D said...

Uh huh.

And I've got some beachfront propery in New Mexico for sale at a REALLY good price.

Tex said...

cheaper than Santana? btw Im getting ready to post. give me a few

Ted D said...

Yes, Tex. Cheaper than Santana.

Heading your way in a few.

Tree Newt said...

I thought you were actually going to be serious for once. I should have known.

Anonymous said...

Guess he had a few too many and got his head stuck in the box. What's worse is he's carrying a bottle of what? Champagne? Reminds me of an expression Champagne taste and beer money! Yup, that just about sums that picture for me. Can you tell I've had a long day?

Ted D said...

Mattie, me? Serious? I'll leave that for the more intelligent. I'm just trying to get through the day.

Edge, sorry you had such a rough day: hopefully today will be better.

Tex said...

Ted is serious. about his Red Sox.

Ted D said...


You speak the truth.

I'm also serious about 24.

Tex said...

24 what? 24 eggs? 24 trees? 24 outfielders

Tree Newt said...

24 is the number of times he checks his blog in an hour.

Ted D said...

Jack Bauer can find you, Tex.

Don't make me call him.

Tex said...

24 is the times he has to check on Rakes and Trot in a 15 min span

Ted D said...

Listen, don't make me break out the pictures of you looking like some overgrown Dutch boy, corn meal.

Ted D said...

Once again, Tex hits the nail on the head.

Tex said...

\\Jack Bauer can find you, Tex.//

not while he's in jail :p

Ted D said...

Don't bet on it, Tex.

He's Jack Bauer, after all.

Tex said...

well he better be Willy Nelson too cos I'm

On The Road Again...

gojohn said...

Sounds good to me!

Ted D said...

Finally, someone else who is with me on the "Pap for President" bandwagon!

Thanks for your support, John.

JMP said...

Pap has my vote as long as he promises to keep his pants ON!!!

Ted D said...

jmp, that sort of goes without saying!

Good to hear from you.

beckperson said...

Pants on...pants off...either way, I agree with you on President Paps!

