Ciera, Rakes, and the next door neighbor Alexia found some rocks to climb on right next to it, and according to Ang, it took Jr. all of 3 seconds to start Riverdancing in the mud last night's storms created.
When they got to the back door, Rakes uttered this:
"Mom, we're dust kids. We DOVE de mud."
I'm fairly positive his sister fed him that line, and yes, he's making the Devil horns.
Appropriate, right?
Got a call from Ang around 3 today that Trot was running a fever of 103 degrees. By the time I made it home, he actually made a slug look hyperactive. Once we got some Motrin in him, the fever broke and he was back to his usual shenanigans. He and I stayed home while Angie, Ciera, and the future Jesse James went to church tonight, and I somehow convinced him to eat an ice pop and about 10 crackers while he watched Toy Story.
Still not sure how that happened, but I'm just grateful he ate SOMETHING.
While scarfing down some dinner, I heard him rummaging around the toy room. When I finally found him, I saw this...

Bro, that pic of Rakes brings back memories of me and Kurt doing swan-dives in the mudpit we made in his back yard. Ahhh...good times, good times.
Tell Trotty that Uncle Mattie hopes he feels better.
im homeeeeeeeee
He may have the Chicken Pox.
Tex, where have you been? Disapear for 2 days, not tell anybody...
Dude, we'll be praying for him.
And you.
When it rains, it pours, corn meal.
If you need me, I'll be out back, banging my head off those rocks Rakes and Ciera were playing on.
I won't resist an opportunity to pun. ROCK ON Bro! ROCK ON!!!
Awwww. Poor little guy. Having seen my share of sick kids at daycare, my "professional" opinion is definitely "under the weather". They get that look about them.
But chicken pox??? Did he just get the vaccine?
If Tex disappeared for two days, my first question is: Does anyone know where Beckett is??
It's not the chicken pox. Turns out it's Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease, which he picked up from some other booger eater in the church nursery.
Dawn, started out with a high fever, then a rash on his bottom. This morning? Blisters inside his mouth, which will spread to his hands and feet by tomorrow or so.
I'm at the office and REALLY don't want to go home!
Now that you mention it, where has Beckett been? ;)
Beckett is doing just fine. meanwhile Ive been in workgroup conferences all week then having to do the whole afterhours marketing my facilities. I am tired
Hey Tex. (Imagine WSG guy here)
Figured you were pulling some extra work.
Hope you can get some rest this weekend.
Poor Little Trot. GET BETTER!
I've had one of those, Woman's Intution Days that just rock, and it tells me - he'll get better. =].
I've never had blisters inside my mouth and I sure don't ever want them. Poor fellow.
Good to know that Beckett is safe and sound.
Thanks Krystle.
I'm just hoping Rakes or Ciera don't get it next.
Best money I ever spent was on a pair of rubber boots for Jared when he was about Rakie's age. They're about $10 at Wally-World.
I have muddy pictures of Jared, too. Four kids playing together, guess who ends up muddy?
Rakes is right. They DOVE mud. :)
Oh, and you won't have to worry about us visiting until Trot, Rakes, etc. are no longer contagious. :)
Poor baby; I hope he heals quickly and Rakes and Ciera don't catch it.
Stacy, apparently blisters in your mouth are painful.
its cold here. snowing up around Dallas area. raining freezing.
Tex, I wonder if it's snowing in Oklahoma. I need to call Scott and check.
Poor little guy, lots of PVs! Take care big fella. I'm off work tomorrow so I don't know if I'll be on SG but I'll be able to see the afternoon game on nesn if I'm not busy.
Thanks Stephen. Enjoy your 3 day weekend, man.
I'm sure I'll see you around online somewhere.
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