This is Nick
Adenhart. Last night he pitched 6 scoreless inning for the LA Angels of Anaheim.
Just a few hours later he was dead.
Some jackass with alcohol issues ran a red light, slammed into the car he was riding in, and killed him along with 2 other people with their future right in front of them.
22 years old. Playing baseball and living the dream and in a split second he's gone; all because this idiot got behind the wheel of a car, smashed out of his mind and came to the conclusion that was OK.
We spend millions of dollars when some whack job tries to light his shoes on fire to ensure air safety. Random old women are subjected to full body cavity searches in airports everyday to ensure people getting on an airplane get safely to where they are heading.
Yet every night thousands of people who've been down at the local pub get behind the wheel of a 2 ton death trap, fueled by Budweiser and
Jagermeister, and go barreling down the highway toward home.
Am I the only one who thinks this is seriously messed up? We wait for someone to get killed, THEN try to make it right. It's usually a case like this one, where a prominent athlete dies, for anyone to pay attention. What about the regular people who die everyday because some yahoo decides him/her getting home is priority one over everyone else who happens to be in a car that night?
Security checkpoints at airports, bomb sniffing dogs in subway stations across the country, and billions of dollars given to a bunch of geeks to try and figure out where the next big catastrophe is coming from and we still have everyday
schlubs drinking $1 dollar drafts at the local, getting in their
SUV's and plowing into innocent families just trying to get back home from Sam's Club without getting a divorce.
I say put one of those
dillywompers you've gotta blow into before the car will even start in every freaking pile of sheet metal that comes off the assembly line from now on. In fact, I'll be the first guy to say put it on BOTH my cars from now on.
We live in a country with freedom of choice but apparently there are more of us who are too stupid, ignorant, or just plain selfish enough to actually think about our actions than I previously realized to deal with this, so make us all accountable.
I thought about this tonight while I was at home with Curly, Larry, and Moe and
Ang ran to Wally World for the weekly supplies; and I didn't relax until I heard the garage door open. What would I do if this happened to her? Or what would she do if it happened to me?
To take it ever farther, what would I do if it happened to one of my friends like Tex? Or Rob and Jane? Or Josh and Amy?
This horses**t has got to stop. NOW. Our government spends billions on things that doesn't affect us in any way, shape, or form.
How about we take some of that money and try to figure out why there were 16,972 drunk driving deaths in 2005. Think about that for a minute; 16, 972 people died because somebody didn't have the sense not to get behind the wheel drunk.
Meanwhile, 3,000 people died on 9/11 and EVERYTHING changed. Don't get me wrong; I'm not
denigrating the life of a single person affected by that horrible day. I'm just venting a little.
We can put a man on the moon, launch satellites into outer space, and look at Brittany Spears as a role model.
There has GOT to be a way to stop stories like Nick
Adenhart's from happening again.
Tomorrow, I promise, I'll be back raging against the machine about Trot pooping in his pants or peeing on the floor; tonight? This story just made me angry. And sad.
Because it's such a preventable thing if only everyone of us would respect the value of a human life other than our own.