From: The Desk Of Miss Hathaway
To: Everyone who keeps sending my employer emails about the Presidential Candidates.
Dear everyone concerned,
Due to the fact that the Red
Sox lost to the Rays in the
ALCS, combined with the fact there was a Presidential election just a week later has caused my boss to go into a rage heretofore only seen when Derek
Jeter was winning World Series Championships as often as most of us change underwear, I hope you all understand where this note is coming from
My Employer really is a good man. But the way Jason
Varitek resembled Tanner Boyle from the Bad News Bears during the playoffs combined with the fact America was trying to decide who it's President would be ALL AT THE SAME TIME? Well, it sort of turned him into a blithering idiot.
Well, more of a blithering idiot than he normally is. You see, this election stuff has caused him to rage against the machine more than usual; in particular, the fact that friends, family, and random strangers see fit to send him email after email denouncing the person they weren't voting for.
For a man of his feeble mind and limited skill set, this sort of arrogant behavior drives him nuts. As much of a dink as he is, he would never, and I mean NEVER send someone an email telling them who they should vote for and why. I guess he just assumes that person has enough intelligence to research the candidates, learn what makes them tick, and make a rational, well thought out vote when the time comes.
It boggles his mind that people will rely on forwarded emails from moronic people with no clue, coupled with one sided points of view to influence their vote. Combine that with a total lack of knowledge about what they are talking about and his head starts rotating like that little girl in "The Omen".
Just as a second note, my demented, yet fair employer would NEVER think of telling a friend, colleague, or family member who they should vote for. Incredibly, he believes people should be smart enough to research a candidate on their own and make an individual choice based on their own values, morals, and diligent research.
So to all the people who keep sending he and his wife emails about each candidate and why they would be wrong to vote for them, can I just say this?
It's over. Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States. And whether you agree with that or not, it's going to happen. And whether you're a Christian or Jewish, Muslim or Hindu, Yankee fan or Red
Sox fanatic, support him with all you've got. Whether you like it or not, the man will be running this country for the next 4 years.
Trust me on this; I haven't seen him this riled up since Uncle Bud cancelled the All-Star game several years back. And while he's normally preoccupied with who's going to be a free agent and why in God's name did
Francona stick with Beckett in Game 2 of the
ALDS? This election thing has gotten his attention.
If I may be so bold, can I just add this country was formed on the backs of a group of people who went against popular opinion. I gotta say, it worked out pretty well. So why don't we all try to emulate our founding fathers and take a minute to think for ourselves?
In closing, I've got to go. My employer has been yelling about some gentleman named Scott
Boras for the past half hour and muttering under his breath about "
Tek taking a hometown discount"
Naturally, I have no idea what any of this means. Although he did mention something about a Christmas bonus if someone named "D-Lowe" ended up in Boston. As usual, I'm left in the dark and subject to the mood of my employer.
Can we all try and work this mess out?
I say the following: Yes We Can.
Miss Hathaway.
PS: I've got 8 months until retirement. Can you all try and help me make it without having a nervous breakdown?