Forget that dude who gets on YouTube and imitates all the different batting stances of MLB players.
Rakes can do the entire line up of his Batman game from the Play Station.
I'm not sure whether I should be proud or worried.
Boy has got some moves, though.
By the way, that position for a full-time Nanny is still open.
I'm just sayin'.
Plow the D’Oh
1 week ago
The boy does have some crazy penguin moves! That was hilarious!
He's got it down, right?
Room, food and board free? I told you..throw in a week paid vacation(paid meaning pay for hotel, food, beer and ST tickets) for Spring Training and 5 three day paid vacations in Boston(paid meaning you pay for hotel, food, beer and tickets) and Im in
Bust a move!
I understood everything he said.
He speaks almost as fast as I do.
Tex, you got it. But isn't 5 3 day paid vacations a bit much? ;)
Rich, I'm close to getting scared to meet you; I may be looking at Rakes 15 years in the future.
well i said five 3 days in boston and one week in ft myers but if you're willing to give me 53 paid days vacation..Im buying the plane ticket now
I made this change at around 13. You've got far less time then you think to keep the remaining hairs on your head.
Tex, you gotta deal. Pack your bags, sister.
Rich, stop it. Your scaring me.
what the truck day, I wanted the job.
I went with experience over youth, Rich. You can still be Trot's personal assistant; this involves changing pants with poop in them and trying to get him to sleep every night.
And teaching him the fine art of backyard ballistics?
As long as it doesn't end with him being arrested?
Rock on, Rich.
haha, great vid! He's too funny.
He's insane, Sarah.
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